Thursday, October 28, 2010

0 Paper Chain Countdown

No, this isn’t a post about HOW to make a paper chain.  I figure you mastered that in kindergarten.  What this post is about is my nifty tool:  the ‘Close to My Heart’ “pivot point stapler” (about
$13 and worth it!).  Straight on it only reaches 5.5 inches, but since the center pivots 360 degrees, it can reach anywhere on a 12 x12 page.  It is great for fixing paper back books when the staples ripe out (happens a round here all too often).
IMG_4728 IMG_4731
Today I used my handy-dandy stapler to make a count down till “SISTER RETREAT”!  This time next week I will be hangn’ with my sisters and mom.  OH, I can’t wait!

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